Social and Ethical Issues (SEI) in Nanotechnology
The SENIC SEI program is committed to an understanding of the broader implications of nanotechnology. This program addresses not only the impact of new technologies on society at large, but also the ethical responsibilities of researchers who make these developments possible.
SEI Research at Georgia Tech
The Nanotechnology Research and Innovation Systems Assessment Group at Georgia Tech comprises faculty, researchers and students associated with the Program in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) of the Georgia Tech School of Public Policy and the Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute. The Group constitutes one of the real-time technology assessment programs of the Center for Nanotechnology in Society (CNS-ASU) sponsored by the National Science Foundation. CNS-ASU (is a multi-organizational center, led by Arizona State University and involving several other US universities, including Georgia Tech.
Fostering SEI Research at NNCI
As a member of the NNCI, SENIC is committed to fostering research on the social and ethical implications of nanotechnology. SENIC and NNCI users are at the forefront of nanotechnology and can offer unique insight into this research. To this end, from time to time, users may be invited to participate in an SEI research project, such as answering a survey or participating in an interview. Although users are free to decline, and their decision to participate or not to participate will have no bearing on their ability to use SENIC facilities, we sincerely hope that users will consider each request and accept as many invitations as they can in the spirit of advancing knowledge on social and ethical issues and helping to ensure that NNCI remains a leader in nanotechnology innovation.